
CVE-2024-38365 public disclosure (btcd `FindAndDelete` bug)

CVE-2024-38365 public disclosure (btcd `FindAndDelete` bug)

Original Postby AntoineP

Posted on: October 12, 2024 09:22 UTC

The discussion revolves around the intricacies of achieving a chain fork utilizing specific operational codes (opcodes) and the essential role of public key recovery in this process.

It's highlighted that merely selecting opcodes such as OP_PICK or OP_ROLL, which facilitate stack inspection, might not suffice for the intended mechanism within the scriptCode. The critical aspect underlined is the commitment of the signature to the scriptCode, necessitating a reciprocal commitment from the scriptCode to the signature itself. This mutual commitment introduces a complexity that might not be easily bypassed without resorting to public key recovery.

Further explanation dives into the limitations of current signature modes, with an emphasis on ANYPREVOUT and its unique characteristic of not committing to the scriptCode. This feature stands out because it potentially offers a workaround to the mutual commitment challenge mentioned earlier. However, the dialogue opens up a query regarding the feasibility of achieving the desired outcome—creating a chain fork—without relying on public key recovery. The inquiry suggests that there might be an alternative method to accomplish this goal, prompting a detailed explanation on how such a process could be executed absent the public key recovery mechanism.