Merging incomparable linearizations
Posted on: November 26, 2023 03:33 UTC
The inquiry revolves around the comprehension and evaluation of a specific diagram denoted by the expression $\epsilon_j + \delta_j + \zeta_j$ over varying values of $j$.
The question at hand delves into how this expression is assessed at $S(\gamma_j)$, expressing uncertainty regarding the conceptualization of the expression as forming a diagram. Additionally, it addresses the criteria for proving the superiority of one diagram over another. To establish that one diagram universally exceeds or is equal to another, it necessitates demonstrating that every point on the first diagram is greater than or equal to those on the second. Conversely, it must also be shown that all points on the second diagram are less than or equal to those on the first, ensuring a comprehensive comparison between the two diagrams in question.