
Combined summary - Ecash TIDES using Cashu and Stratum v2

Combined summary - Ecash TIDES using Cashu and Stratum v2

The discussion on GitHub explores the proposed system where miners receive shares as e-cash tokens for their proof of work in a mining pool.

It scrutinizes the utility of a centralized pool, especially considering that pools could adopt direct withdrawals via mechanisms like echas/lightning. The proposal distinguishes e-cash tokens from direct payouts, necessitating multiple redemptions to collect the full payout due upon the pool's successful block discovery. This mechanism introduces several technical and economic considerations, diverging from conventional payout expectations and suggesting a shift towards flexible payout schemes like FPPS due to changing network dynamics.

Braidpool's introduction of tradable shares addresses limitations in payout distribution, particularly for miners with lower hash power. By selling shares through Lightning or eCash, Braidpool ensures all participants can benefit, despite the top N miners receiving direct payouts. This innovative approach, coupled with a difficulty adjustment epoch basis for maintaining constant hash price, showcases Braidpool's commitment to efficiency and economic use of block space. Tradable shares represent a forward contract, with discussions open to exploring other payout mechanisms, hinting at the creation of a more adaptable and potentially lucrative mining ecosystem.

The idea of making pool shares tradable within a centralized pool context raises questions about their value, proposing direct withdrawal methods as simpler alternatives. However, Braidpool's model, which limits payouts to top miners, offers tradable shares as a solution for smaller miners, creating a dynamic market within the mining ecosystem. This contrasts with suggestions that direct payment systems might suffice for distributing earnings without complicating the process by integrating shares and e-cash, pointing towards an expanded goal beyond mere payouts.

Cryptographic attestation is discussed as a means to authenticate individual shares while ensuring privacy in payout processes. This method integrates seamlessly into existing protocols, emphasizing quick redemption in ecash transactions to mitigate double-spending risks. The share window concept from the TIDES documentation highlights the need for updating electronic hashes lists, ensuring transaction integrity. Digital assets' management, particularly ehashes, involves a detailed logging system by the mint, showcasing the intricacy of tracking ownership and redemption processes.

The proposal's main focus is enhancing privacy in payout processes, addressing concerns over complexity and the practicality of achieving such objectives without fundamentally altering underlying mechanisms. Cryptographic attestation serves as a security and trust layer, allowing for the verification of share authenticity and integrity. The system's design prioritizes simplicity and efficiency, avoiding unnecessary complications in achieving privacy and security in transactions.

Digital currency transaction mechanics, including the reuse and management of ecash, are dissected, highlighting challenges and innovations within this domain. The discussion spans technical feedback on cryptographic protocols, transparency in mining operations, and the practicality of proposed strategies for mining pools. The dialogue reflects a comprehensive critique and exploration of various aspects related to cryptocurrency mining, payout systems, and regulatory implications, emphasizing a thoughtful engagement with the complexities of applied cryptography and digital finance.

Discussion History

EthnTuttle Original Post
May 15, 2024 16:58 UTC
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