
Unspendable keys in descriptors

Unspendable keys in descriptors

Posted on: December 19, 2023 13:35 UTC

In a recent gathering at TabConf 2022, there was a discussion among programmers that delved into potential enhancements for miniscript and descriptors.

One of the notable concepts brought up during this meeting was the introduction of unspendable keys. A detailed explanation or background on this concept can be found through a link provided to a Gist by sipa: Unspendable Keys Gist. This resource serves as a foundational piece for further discourse and is intended to complement subsequent evaluations of new ideas within this domain. The author of the message has shown an interest in engaging with these fresh perspectives and has promised to offer their insights after thoroughly reviewing the proposals put forth. The importance of this conversation lies in its potential to advance the scripting capabilities used in cryptocurrency transactions, which could lead to more robust and flexible security mechanisms.