
Compressed Bitcoin Transactions

Compressed Bitcoin Transactions

Original Postby Tom Briar

Posted on: September 1, 2023 17:05 UTC

Tom is informing Jonas that he is currently working on obtaining numbers based on both historical data and fuzz tests.

He mentions that he is in the process of updating the code to align with the documentation, and expects to have it completed before the end of the week.Tom goes on to mention that they estimate 100 blocks to be safe from reorg, and this is also the same policy for spending coin base transactions. In the pull request (PR), Tom adds a compressrawtransaction RPC endpoint that includes this limit and will warn the user if the TxId is uncompressed due to it not being old enough. He plans to add this information to the documentation as well, in case anyone adds onto it.Tom concludes by expressing his gratitude for Jonas' feedback.