
Future of the bitcoin-dev mailing list

Future of the bitcoin-dev mailing list

Original Postby Andreas Schildbach

Posted on: November 7, 2023 17:48 UTC

In a recent discussion, Bryan Bishop introduced the idea of adopting Matrix as a communication platform.

Matrix is highlighted for its federated nature, similar to email, which ensures censorship resistance by allowing any connected homeserver to retain a copy of conversations within a room. Additionally, Matrix offers the capability for end-to-end encryption, particularly enhancing the security of person-to-person interactions, even though this feature may not be necessary for replacing email lists.

Bishop pointed out that Synapse stands out as the most advanced home server implementing the Matrix specification, emphasizing its ease of setup and management compared to traditional email server and mailing list combinations. He also noted the broad selection of Matrix clients available in the ecosystem, acknowledging the user interface of most clients seems more chat-oriented than suited for extensive email-like discussions. However, he posited that with the use of "threads", Matrix could still effectively accommodate longer discussions.

The provided links offer additional resources about Matrix and the Synapse home server for those interested in exploring this option further. The first link directs to the main website for the Matrix project ( where one can find comprehensive information about the platform, while the second link leads to the GitHub repository for Synapse (, where the codebase and development progress can be reviewed.