Bitcoin Core 0.12.0 release candidate 1 available
Posted on: January 17, 2016 22:57 UTC
On January 17, 2016, a preliminary release note for a new Bitcoin Core software release was posted on the Bitcoin-dev mailing list.
The release notes for version 0.12 of the software were shared on Github. While the main part of the release notes did not mention the re-enabling of wallet in autoprune feature, one of the pull requests noted that it had been re-enabled. A user on the mailing list asked if pruning was now finished and if it could be safely used as an end-user. They believed that this feature would be one of the most interesting ones for users since it could help fix the issue of taking up too much disk space. The user requested that if pruning was finished, the release notes should mention that and how to enable it. The Bitcoin Core software is a full node implementation of the Bitcoin protocol, which allows users to validate transactions and blocks on the network independently. It is open-source software that has been developed by a team of volunteers and maintained by the Bitcoin Core project.