
[BUG]: Bitcoin blockspace price discrimination put simple transactions at disadvantage

[BUG]: Bitcoin blockspace price discrimination put simple transactions at disadvantage

Original Postby Nagaev Boris

Posted on: December 27, 2023 19:06 UTC

In the realm of blockchain technology, particularly within the context of optimizing data storage, it is crucial to understand the distinction between witness data and UTXO set contributions.

Witness data, which does not affect the UTXO set, benefits from a storage discount. This incentivization structure encourages the storage of data specifically within the witness section rather than in the segments that contribute to the UTXO set. A clear example of this can be seen in the significant size difference between the "blocks" directory and the "chainstate" directory, with the former being substantially larger at 569GB as compared to the latter's 9.3GB.

The placement of these directories is strategic; since witness data is housed within the "blocks" directory, it is not subject to high latency demands. Consequently, it can be stored on slower, more economical storage solutions without impairing system performance. On the other hand, the "chainstate" directory plays a vital role in the validation of new transactions. To ensure efficiency and avoid protracted initial block download times, which can extend to weeks, this directory must reside on a fast storage device.

Maintaining the incentives for a streamlined "chainstate" is paramount. It underpins the system's overall efficiency and ensures transaction validation processes remain expedient. This careful balance of storage considerations and incentive structures is key to the robust functioning of blockchain systems.