
Combined summary - Fork withholding attack

Combined summary - Fork withholding attack

Proof of Partial Work (PoPW) is a concept significant within the realm of cryptocurrency mining, particularly in the context of mining pools.

It represents the effort miners contribute by submitting shares that demonstrate the work they've performed, even if it hasn't led to the discovery of a new block. These submissions serve as evidence of a miner's participation and effort in the mining process.

The topic arises amidst discussions on enhancing reward mechanisms in mining pools to address vulnerabilities such as Fork After Withholding (FAW) attacks. Such attacks are more sophisticated than simple block withholding strategies. In an FAW attack, a pool member withholds a successfully mined block, reducing the pool's overall revenue. Moreover, the attacker submits fake proofs of work when another miner outside their target pool finds a block, which could lead to a blockchain fork if these fraudulent blocks are accepted. This tactic is particularly concerning as it could allow attackers to earn significantly more than they would through traditional block withholding, especially in larger pools.

Jaswanth, a computer science student, is focusing on this issue by proposing a solution that involves the active tracking of each miner's reputation based on their submitted Proof of Partial Work (PPoW). Under his proposal, submissions leading to blockchain forks would negatively affect a miner's standing within the pool. However, Jaswanth acknowledges challenges in practical implementation, citing a lack of hands-on experience with real-world mining pools. He is seeking advice on simulation tools or resources that could aid in developing and testing his concept. For further insight into this subject, a study from the ACM Digital Library offers additional information and can be accessed here.

Additionally, there's a mention of a bitcoin mining mailing list, which could serve as a valuable resource for individuals interested in the latest developments, discussions, and technologies in bitcoin mining.

Discussion History

Jassu Original Post
September 12, 2024 05:08 UTC
September 13, 2024 13:57 UTC
September 13, 2024 14:58 UTC