
PPLNS with job declaration

PPLNS with job declaration

Original Postby lorbax

Posted on: September 9, 2024 11:29 UTC

The email discusses a correction in the mathematical representation related to the number of shares within the Pay-Per-Last-N-Shares (PPLNS) window in cryptocurrency mining.

Specifically, it corrects an error to accurately define the sequence of indices (0=k_0<k_1<\dots < k_t = N), where (N) signifies the total number of shares present in the PPLNS window. This sequence is crucial for dividing the window into (m)-slices, with each slice containing a specific range of shares from (s_{k_{m-1}+1}) to (s_{k_{m}}).

Furthermore, it revisits Remark 5 from Section 3.2, which states that the sum of scores ((score_f(s))) for all shares in any given slice ((S)) equals one. This principle underpins the distribution mechanism within the PPLNS payout scheme by ensuring that the cumulative score across all slices within the window adds up correctly. The corrected formula demonstrates how the sum of scores for shares within each slice from the first to the last equates to the total number of slices ((t)), thereby reinforcing the integrity of the scoring and payout system in PPLNS. This explanation clarifies the scoring dynamics within the PPLNS framework, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of its operational mechanics.