
Combined summary - Updates to the Gossip 1.75 proposal post LN summit meeting

Combined summary - Updates to the Gossip 1.75 proposal post LN summit meeting

The recent discussions and feedback surrounding the proposed updates to a specific protocol, as outlined in a GitHub proposal (this link), highlight the community's commitment to refining and advancing the project.

The suggestions put forth for consideration primarily concern the enhancement of message structuring, particularly through the adoption of a Pure Type-Length-Value (TLV) format for new messages. This transition aims to replace the fixed field signatures with TLV fields, drawing inspiration from Bolt 12 messages. By doing so, it is intended to improve the efficiency and flexibility of information exchange during gossip sync, especially by allowing additional data like Simplified Payment Verification (SPV) proofs to be optionally included without being covered by the announcement signature. This would enable nodes to discard optional fields they do not need or understand, streamlining the data handling process.

Further proposals include the more flexible adaptation of Pay-to-Witness-Script-Hash (P2WSH) channel announcements and updates. The suggestion involves utilizing Schnorr signatures for these channels and introducing a nonce exchange through channel_ready messages before proceeding with announcement_sigs_2. This approach is designed to allow for the announcement of channels at any stage in their lifecycle, contingent on mutual understanding and agreement from both peers, as indicated by feature bit 2. The aim here is to simplify the process of upgrading unannounced channels to announced status, thereby potentially improving network connectivity and functionality.

The implementation strategy suggested involves the introduction of three new feature bits to signal a node's capabilities regarding the creation and understanding of new gossip messages, re-announcing P2WSH channels, and providing SPV proofs. A fourth feature bit might further indicate a node’s capacity to upgrade unannounced channels to announced ones. This phased rollout is aimed at enhancing the protocol's efficiency, security, and usability, underscoring the importance of collective input and adjustments in response to evolving technological needs and user demands.

Feedback on the proposal includes minor critiques and suggestions for improvement, such as the inclusion of outpoints in the signed fields for better information provision and support for txindex nodes, and reservations about mandating nodes to generate SPV proofs when creating announcements. There's also a discussion about consolidating feature bits 1 and 2 to expedite network adoption, though this remains open to further discussion based on community sentiment. The collaborative nature of this review process emphasizes the project's dedication to ongoing development and refinement, facilitated by contributions from stakeholders across the community.

Discussion History

ellemouton Original Post
October 17, 2024 15:00 UTC
October 22, 2024 20:21 UTC
November 21, 2024 15:00 UTC