
Great Consensus Cleanup Revival

Great Consensus Cleanup Revival

Original Postby AntoineP

Posted on: November 26, 2024 16:26 UTC

The proposal highlights a crucial security enhancement for the Consensus Cleanup by addressing the Murch-Zawy attack, a significant vulnerability.

The core of the solution lies in adjusting the timestamp requirements for blocks within a retarget period. Specifically, it suggests that the timestamp for the last block of any retarget period must not be earlier than that of the first block in the same period. This change aims to eliminate the possibility of a negative time span between the first and last blocks of a retarget period, effectively mitigating the risk posed by the identified attack vector.

This approach not only strengthens the security framework against specific timestamp manipulation tactics but also reinforces the overall integrity of the blockchain's temporal data consistency. By mandating a non-negative time span within retarget periods, the proposal directly addresses the mechanism exploited by the Murch-Zawy attack, thereby enhancing the resilience of the network against such threats. This measure is expected to fortify the blockchain against manipulation attempts, ensuring a more robust and secure ecosystem for all participants.

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