
BIP324 Proxy: easy integration of v2 transport protocol for light clients (PoC)

BIP324 Proxy: easy integration of v2 transport protocol for light clients (PoC)

Original Postby theStack

Posted on: June 28, 2024 20:31 UTC

The recent testing of the bitcoin-bip324-proxy, initiated with the command ./bitcoin-bip324-proxy -network signet -v2-only, and its integration with Bitcoin Core for a signet Initial Block Download (IBD) has yielded positive results without any complications.

This preliminary test serves as an encouraging step towards deeper analysis and understanding of the proxy's functionality and underlying codebase. However, there is a notable concern regarding the default port selection for the proxy. Currently set to 38333, this port conflicts with the default listening port for signet networks. To avoid such conflicts and ensure a smoother operation, it is suggested to opt for a unique port number that does not overlap with existing defaults. An example provided for an alternative choice is port 1324, which has been successfully used in the Python implementation of the bip324-proxy. This adjustment is crucial for preventing potential connectivity issues and enhancing the proxy's compatibility with existing Bitcoin network configurations.