
Combined summary - Code of Conduct Violation: Banning Antoine Riard for 3 months

Combined summary - Code of Conduct Violation: Banning Antoine Riard for 3 months

The email discusses a dispute between two individuals deeply involved in the rust-lightning project, highlighting a broader conflict within the open-source community.

On one side is a person who perceives himself as a benevolent dictator of the projects he contributes to, expecting obedience and silence from other contributors. This has escalated to the extent of threatening the professional reputation of those who dissent. The other party, disagreeing with such an approach, opts for legal action as a civilized means to resolve the conflict, even if it means engaging in a prolonged legal battle. The issue at hand is framed not as a matter of national security or intelligence but as a personal disagreement between two individuals who have significantly contributed to open-source projects.

The communication further touches upon the dynamic of involvement by third parties and the implications of employment relationships on open-source participation. It raises concerns about potential conflicts of interest and the need for protections akin to those established by veterans in the field to ensure integrity and independence in contributions. The narrative points to Rusty Russell's contract with Blockstream Inc. and compares it to broader industry practices, indicating a nuanced backdrop of political activism, social justice debates, and the challenges of maintaining apolitical development within technical communities. The sender stresses the importance of focusing on code rather than cultural expression to prevent subjective rule interpretations from undermining review processes and compromising end-user financial safety.

Additionally, the writer expresses a willingness to continue technical collaboration despite these disagreements and acknowledges the pragmatic adjustments made by experienced contributors within their employment contexts. There's a strong emphasis on factual discourse and the readiness to legally substantiate claims if necessary, alongside a critique of perceived ethical lapses in digital communication among some open-source participants. The significance of verifiable and ethical discourse is underscored by mentioning the email's authentication via timestamping in the bitcoin blockchain.

The decision to remove Antoine Riard from the GitHub lightning organization is justified by ongoing harassment, aligning with the Code of Conduct (CoC). This action, including a three-month block on his contributions, reflects a commitment to community values of diversity, tolerance, mutual respect, and excellence. The founding principles of the Lightning IRC channel are reiterated, emphasizing the community's dedication to maintaining a positive and respectful environment. This stance is supported by community leaders Rusty and Vincenzo, who commend the community's adherence to these standards, suggesting that actions taken against disruptive behavior ultimately benefit both the community and the individuals involved by steering them towards more constructive endeavors.

Discussion History

rustyrussell Original Post
November 13, 2024 03:10 UTC
November 17, 2024 18:56 UTC
January 10, 2025 00:46 UTC
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