
[BUG]: spammers get Bitcoin blockspace at discounted price. Let's fix it

[BUG]: spammers get Bitcoin blockspace at discounted price. Let's fix it

Original Postby GregTonoski

Posted on: January 9, 2024 09:52 UTC

The discussion revolves around the impartial treatment of various types of transactions within a network, emphasizing that no distinction should be made based on the transaction type.

The contention is that every byte, whether from a simple transaction or another kind, deserves to be treated equally by the network. There exists an argument that witness data could potentially be less costly to the network than state transition data, which includes inputs and outputs. However, this claim is challenged due to a lack of supportive evidence. It is argued that the network perceives each byte uniformly, without discrimination. Concerns are raised regarding the 'witness discount', which seems to be exploited and could negatively impact simple transactions, the decentralization of the network, and the intrinsic value of the currency units involved. This exploitation may lead to an uneven playing field among transactions, thus questioning the fairness and integrity of the transaction process within the network.

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