
Unspendable keys in descriptors

Unspendable keys in descriptors

Original Postby salvatoshi

Posted on: December 19, 2023 15:40 UTC

In addressing the nuances of cryptocurrency wallets, a vital consideration emerges regarding the user experience at the time of wallet registration.

Traditional practices have seen users backing up descriptors rather than wallet policies. This approach, however, may not adequately represent accounts within software wallets, leading to potential discrepancies and confusions for users.

The current discourse suggests a shift in perspective, advocating for the backup of wallet policies instead. The rationale behind this recommendation is rooted in the belief that wallet policies offer a more comprehensive representation of user accounts. This method is deemed suitable for the majority of scenarios, with the exception of certain exotic use cases where wallet policies might prove ineffective or incompatible.

Implementing such a change could streamline the process of managing digital assets, ensuring users have a clear and reliable framework for safeguarding their information. By securing wallet policies, users ensure that the structure and rules governing their accounts are preserved, providing a robust safety net against data loss or corruption.