
Combined summary - Where to post information about new protocol releases?

In the realm of software development and updates, particularly those related to Bitcoin protocols such as RGB smart contracts, new Rust Lightning implementations (LNP), and bitcoin-based self-sovereign identities (SSI), there is a nuanced approach to sharing information and announcements within a community or forum.

The method of disseminating this type of content should be carefully considered to ensure it reaches the appropriate audience effectively.

When introducing new releases of libraries and tools associated with these technologies, it's recommended to go beyond mere announcement posts. Instead, the content should resemble what one might present at a professional conference. This involves providing detailed insights, potential applications, and the significance of the update or release, rather than just stating that a new version is available. Such an approach not only informs but also educates the audience about the relevance and impact of the update.

Choosing the right category for posting these updates is crucial for engagement and visibility. While there's flexibility in where you initially post, consideration should be given to how well the chosen category aligns with the content's nature and the target audience's interests. If a post is found to be better suited elsewhere, community mechanisms like flagging can facilitate its movement to a more appropriate category. This ensures that the content remains relevant and reaches viewers most interested in such technical advancements.

In essence, the strategy for sharing updates about Bitcoin-related protocols and tools should prioritize informative and detailed presentations over simple announcements. Engaging with the community through thoughtfully placed and well-crafted posts will foster a richer understanding and appreciation of the developments in these technologies.

Discussion History

dr-orlovskyOriginal Post
August 22, 2024 11:54 UTC
August 22, 2024 13:42 UTC