
Great Consensus Cleanup Revival

Great Consensus Cleanup Revival

Original Postby ajtowns

Posted on: April 8, 2024 13:27 UTC

Over the recent evaluation of 10,000 Bitcoin blocks, ranging from block 828299 to 838299, a significant adoption of BIP320 has been observed.

According to the analysis, approximately 94% of the blocks, totaling 9404, have set the bip320 bits as identified by the regex pattern /[23]..[02468ace]00[04]/. In contrast, a smaller fraction, about 597 blocks, did not conform to this pattern and were instead aligned with the regex /2000000[04]/, which does not signal for BIP320. This discrepancy suggests a substantial concurrence among miners towards BIP320 compared to the previous signaling method outlined in BIP9. The continued signaling for taproot by approximately 216 blocks, possibly all from SBI Crypto according to a tweet, is highlighted as an interesting deviation. For those interested in verifying these findings, a reproducible command line snippet is provided: $ for a in $(seq 828299 838299); do bitcoin-cli getblockheader $(bitcoin-cli getblockhash $a) | jq -j '.height, " ", .versionHex, "\n"'; done | sed 's/ 2000000[04]/ bip9/;s/ [23]..[02468ace]00[04]/ bip320/' | cut -d\ -f2 | sort | uniq -c. This information underscores the crypto community's evolving consensus mechanisms and the technical intricacies involved in blockchain protocol upgrades.