
Bitcoin Core 28.0 Release Candidate 2 Available

Bitcoin Core 28.0 Release Candidate 2 Available

Original Postby Ava Chow

Posted on: September 19, 2024 14:26 UTC

The latest binaries for Bitcoin Core version v28.0rc2 are now accessible, providing a crucial step towards the final release of a new major version.

Interested parties can download these binaries from Bitcoin Core's official website. For developers and contributors looking to delve deeper into the changes and contribute further, the source code has been updated on GitHub under the signed tag, available for review at this GitHub link.

This update marks the release candidate stage for the upcoming major version release, indicating a phase of rigorous testing and final adjustments before the official launch. To aid in this process and provide transparency, preliminary release notes have been made available. These notes outline the enhancements, fixes, and notable changes expected in the final version. Contributors and users can access these details through the provided draft release notes link.

Release candidates serve a critical role in the development cycle by allowing users to test software in real-world conditions and report any critical issues. Assuming no significant problems are identified during this phase, the current release candidate, v28.0rc2, is set to be officially tagged as version 28.0, marking the completion of this development milestone and the beginning of widespread deployment.