
Year 2038 problem and year 2106 chain halting

Year 2038 problem and year 2106 chain halting

Original Postby damian at

Posted on: October 17, 2021 22:38 UTC

The email is from Lord His Excellency James HRMH of Hougun Manor & Glencoe & British Empire, who advocates against procrastination and believes that solutions should be implemented as soon as possible.

The email is signed off by Damian A. James Williamson, representing Willtech,, DUIGCO API, among other projects. The email includes the contact information for Willtech and Mr. Williamson.The email also highlights a conversation on the bitcoin-dev mailing list about Bitcoin Core potentially ceasing to function in 2038 due to assertion checking if the current time is non-negative and the whole chain halting after reaching median time 0xffffffff in 2106. The email wonders if these issues can be fixed in a soft-fork way instead of a hard fork.