
Future of the bitcoin-dev mailing list

Future of the bitcoin-dev mailing list

Original Postby ponymontana

Posted on: November 7, 2023 22:10 UTC

The recent discussion regarding the future of the bitcoin-dev mailing list has raised an important consideration about the adoption of new platforms for the exchange of ideas within the Bitcoin community.

The current mailing list holds a unique position in facilitating technical discussions and hosting BIP drafts, shaped by its format and structure as an email-thread based communication channel. There is recognition that alternative platforms may offer theoretical improvements, yet there is also an understanding that these alternatives cannot simply replicate and replace the existing system without potentially losing the established goals and the stability it currently offers.

When considering the continuation of the bitcoin-dev mailing list, two primary solutions emerge. The first is to maintain the list by finding a new host that can address any identified issues, thus giving continuity to the existing structure. The second option involves not continuing with the list, which could either result in taking no action or proposing an entirely new platform that might serve as a "spiritual successor" to the current mailing list. This new solution would then be subject to organic migration from the community if it proves to be well-suited for hosting technical discussions.

Despite the challenges faced in managing the bitcoin-dev mailing list, it has been noted that the list has functioned effectively over many years. There is hope expressed that this will continue into the future, along with gratitude toward those who have contributed to the maintenance and management of the mailing list, recognizing their work and efforts in supporting the Bitcoin community's communication needs.