
Bitcoin Core 27.0 release candidate 1 available

Bitcoin Core 27.0 release candidate 1 available

Original Postby fanquake

Posted on: March 12, 2024 10:18 UTC

The Bitcoin Core development team has announced the availability of binaries for the v27.0rc1 release candidate, which marks a significant step towards the next major version release of the Bitcoin Core software.

Interested parties can download the binaries from the official website at Additionally, the source code for this release candidate is accessible through GitHub under the signed tag found at

Release candidates like v27.0rc1 are crucial for the finalization of any new major release as they undergo rigorous testing by the community and developers to identify and rectify any critical problems before the final version is tagged. This specific phase in the development process ensures that when the release candidate does not present any significant issues, it will be officially designated as version 27.0.

For those interested in exploring the changes and updates included in this upcoming release, preliminary release notes have been made available. These notes provide detailed insights into what users and developers can expect from version 27.0 of Bitcoin Core. The draft of the release notes can be viewed at, offering a comprehensive overview of the enhancements, fixes, and new features planned for this major update.