
A "Free" Relay Attack Taking Advantage of The Lack of Full-RBF In Core

A "Free" Relay Attack Taking Advantage of The Lack of Full-RBF In Core

Original Postby Peter Todd

Posted on: July 23, 2024 11:29 UTC

The discussion revolves around the imbued TRUC proposals within the Bitcoin protocol, highlighting significant skepticism and eventual abandonment by its proponents.

Initially introduced and mentioned in Optech, the imbued TRUC aimed to introduce certain enhancements. However, despite its early discussions, the proposal failed to gain substantial traction or detailed examination within the community. A draft pull request was submitted but was not further pursued by the author, who explicitly expressed a preference against merging the proposed changes into Bitcoin Core, citing a reluctance to incorporate what was perceived as temporary, hacky solutions.

Criticism from key contributors further dampened the prospects for the imbued TRUC's integration into Bitcoin. One of the Lightning Network maintainers openly criticized the proposal, underscoring a general aversion to integrating makeshift code into the core Bitcoin infrastructure. This sentiment reflects a broader cautionary stance within the developer community towards alterations that might compromise the system's integrity or long-term vision.

The discourse underscores the challenges faced by new proposals aiming to modify or enhance established protocols like Bitcoin. The rigorous scrutiny and high standards set by maintainers and contributors ensure that only thoroughly vetted and consensus-driven changes are implemented, safeguarding the network's stability and security. The imbued TRUC proposals' journey from conception to rejection encapsulates the meticulous process governing Bitcoin's evolution, emphasizing the ecosystem's commitment to prudent and deliberate development practices.