
V3 Transactions are still vulnerable to significant tx pinning griefing attacks

V3 Transactions are still vulnerable to significant tx pinning griefing attacks

Original Postby Peter Todd

Posted on: January 2, 2024 23:43 UTC

In the realm of Lightning Network's transaction security, a critical aspect highlighted is the utilization of CHECKSIG within existing anchor channels for pinning.

This mechanism ensures that only authorized parties possessing the appropriate spending rights can engage with the anchor channel, rendering other outputs unspendable until the commitment transaction is confirmed. The pressing issue at hand is not to compare V3 transactions with a hypothetical protocol containing vulnerabilities but to assess whether these V3 transactions offer any significant improvements over the current operational standards within the Lightning Network.

Initial observations suggest that the advantages of implementing V3 transactions may be negligible and could potentially introduce more complexities as opposed to enhancing the system. A clear distinction needs to be made regarding the effectiveness of V3 transactions in comparison to the established practices. Furthermore, it is implied that while V3 transactions might show promise for other protocols where no alternative solutions exist, this argument has not been sufficiently explored or substantiated in the provided documentation associated with the pull requests.

For those interested in delving deeper into these technical discussions or contributing to the ongoing development, they can refer to Peter Todd's insights and resources available at his website or reach out directly via email at 'peter'[:-1]