
The remote anchor of anchor channels is redundant

The remote anchor of anchor channels is redundant

Original Postby Peter Todd

Posted on: December 13, 2023 15:54 UTC

In an exploration of the application and significance of UTXOs within the context of lightning channels, it's noted that their impact is marginal when compared to the volume generated for purposes such as data publishing.

The discussion suggests a technical refinement where an output linked to a 'to_remote_anchor' should only be included in circumstances where 'to_remote' is absent. This implies an optimization in the handling of transactions within the system, acknowledging that the UTXOs resulting from lightning channels are negligible in the broader scheme.

Further insight into this topic and related discussions can be found through resources provided by Peter Todd, a recognized expert in the field, whose contributions can be accessed at Correspondence with Peter regarding this matter or other related inquiries can be conducted via his email, which is cleverly encoded on his website but suggests a format akin to 'peter' with the last character omitted, followed by ''.