
Proving UTXO set inclusion in zero-knowledge

Proving UTXO set inclusion in zero-knowledge

Original Postby Adam Gibson

Posted on: September 18, 2024 17:34 UTC

The email from the sender expresses gratitude for a previously shared publication and mentions an interest in further exploration of the topic.

The sender also highlights the flexibility of the structure discussed, pointing out that they have recently authored a blog post which expands on the subject matter. The blog post in question delves into the application of certain techniques, not only to prove statements about individual unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs) based on characteristics like age and size but also to make assertions about aggregates of groups of UTXOs, specifically proving that a number of UTXOs have a total Satoshi value within a specified range. This work, while speculative in its details, is presented as a clear illustration of the underlying principle. The blog post, along with the code implementation and paper, can be found at this link, offering readers an opportunity to explore the concept in greater depth.