
Proposing a P2QRH BIP towards a quantum resistant soft fork

Original Postby cryptoquick

Posted on: June 8, 2024 21:11 UTC

The primary aim of the proposed Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP) is to introduce quantum resistance into the Bitcoin protocol.

This initiative seeks to address concerns about the potential threats posed by quantum computing technology to Bitcoin's security framework. By selecting and implementing a suitable signature algorithm, the proposal aims to prepare Bitcoin for a scenario where quantum computing capabilities become significantly advanced. The urgency of such preparations stems from the inherently slow process of development and activation within the Bitcoin network. Thus, early discussions and actions are encouraged to ensure readiness against quantum vulnerabilities.

This BIP represents the initial effort in a series of proposals focused on developing a "QuBit" soft fork aimed at safeguarding Bitcoin against quantum threats. The current document serves as an early draft, intended not as a final solution but as a starting point for validation and feedback from the Bitcoin development community. It seeks to acknowledge and address the legitimate concerns regarding quantum computing, offering concrete, albeit preliminary, solutions for consideration and improvement.

The proposer of this BIP has made it available for public review and discussion, emphasizing its status as a work in progress. The goal is to engage with developers and stakeholders to assess the viability of the proposed quantum-resistant measures, determine necessary adjustments, and evaluate the overall significance of pursuing this endeavor at this time. The BIP can be accessed for further details at this link, inviting contributions from the wider Bitcoin and cryptocurrency community.