
Emulating curve point scalar multiplication with OP_CAT

Emulating curve point scalar multiplication with OP_CAT

Original Postby ajtowns

Posted on: January 8, 2024 03:41 UTC

Understanding the nuances of communication in programming discussions is crucial, especially when it comes to technical specifics such as the introduction of opcodes.

In a recent exchange, an important clarification was made regarding the implementation of an opcode, specifically OP_CAT. Initially, there appeared to be a misunderstanding about the intention behind introducing new opcodes. However, it was clarified that there is no plan or desire to introduce any opcode other than OP_CAT.

The focus of this particular conversation centers on the OP_CAT opcode itself. The discussion highlights the necessity of being precise in technical conversations to avoid confusion. It's clear from the context that the participants are engaged in a detailed analysis of code functionality, and that every component, including each opcode, plays a significant role in the development process.

This dialogue exemplifies the intricacies involved in coding practices and the importance of clear communication among programmers. Misinterpretations can lead to unnecessary complications, hence why the clarification was both necessary and welcomed. The mention of OP_CAT underlines its singular consideration in the current scenario, dismissing any speculation about additional opcodes being introduced.