
Where to post information about new protocol releases?

Original Postby dr-orlovsky

Posted on: August 22, 2024 11:54 UTC

The discussion highlights involvement in the development of various protocols that enhance Bitcoin's functionality and security, such as RGB smart contracts, a new Rust implementation of the Lightning Network Protocol (LNP), and tools for bitcoin-based self-sovereign identities (SSI).

These initiatives represent significant advancements in the realm of Bitcoin, aiming to improve its scalability, privacy, and versatility.

Given the technical and innovative nature of these projects, the appropriate category for posting announcements about new releases of such libraries and tools would likely focus on communities or platforms dedicated to cryptocurrency technology advancements, blockchain development, or specific forums where Bitcoin protocol enhancements are discussed. This ensures that the information reaches audiences deeply interested in or directly involved in the development, analysis, or application of Bitcoin and its associated technologies. Engaging with such communities not only fosters awareness but also encourages collaboration, feedback, and support from individuals and entities with aligned interests and expertise.