
Public disclosure of 10 vulnerabilities affecting Bitcoin Core < 0.21.0

Public disclosure of 10 vulnerabilities affecting Bitcoin Core < 0.21.0

Original Postby Antoine Riard

Posted on: July 3, 2024 17:12 UTC

In the recent correspondence regarding security advisories, there's an emphasis on the potential benefits of assigning unique numeric identifiers to each security advisory.

This practice, as illustrated by the recent example involving OpenSSH, is advocated for its ability to minimize the risk of regressions. By systematically screening old vulnerabilities when reviewing new changes, this method could significantly enhance the effectiveness of identifying and mitigating security risks. Furthermore, from the perspective of security researchers and handlers, the implementation of unique numeric identifiers simplifies the coordination process involved in the development and deployment of mitigation patches. This approach not only aims to streamline the management of security advisories but also facilitates a more organized and efficient response to vulnerabilities.

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